
Late nights

This weekend I have spent a lot of time getting this site to be a bit more interactive for everyone that visits. I know things like this don't happen overnight and especially since I am a one man team, but that being said I would like to think I'm doing a pretty great job. (Patting my own back)
Now I haven't quite figured out when it will be done but I can tell you that the site is far from it. I'm starting to get a lot of help from friends I've made over Instagram and Facebook and I am hoping that in the near future this page will receive a lot more attention.
But in all honesty I don't do it for the attention, I don't do it for the views, I definitely don't do it for the ratchets. I do this because its my passion. It's grown from a hobby to an obsession. But I know it's something that I care strongly about and I will make it perfect and to my liking.

So as I stay up late at night typing away and searching for things that I think you the viewers will like, I would like to think that my hard work doesn't go unappreciated. To those few that I talk to on a daily basis (new friends and old) I thank you for the continued support. I won't let you down.

Steven Plascencia
Founder | TheGarageLife